Observations of a tired traveler.

The reason we may have been getting poor air support for the past 5 months may be due to the fact that we need some practice reading the schedule, not because they don’t like us. Just a joke, everyone makes mistakes. I’m just glad that there was plenty of space available flights around Zabul that day…though I did have to travel from Smart to Wolverine to Lagman to Wolverine to Lagman then onto KAF…wow.

We thought that Welches was just sad we were leaving but then we saw that there was a dog on the helicopter we were getting on and figured that may have had something to do with her erratic behavior.

KAF wasn’t as bad as I remembered.

The pizza place at the boardwalk is out of this world, as is Tony Horton’s coffee and timbits and the frozen orange juice from the French PX.

With all those food choices it’s probably a good thing that I’m not stationed on KAF.

When you have a group of people waiting to catch a flight to R&R you don’t have to ask “Can you be back and ready in an hour?”…we’re gonna be ready. I guarantee it.

Kuwait = hot. And I kind of love it!

McDonalds french fries and hot fudge sundaes are delicious…I don’t care what anyone says.

Probably a good idea I’m not stationed in Kuwait too.

The Kuwait international airport was the epitome of culture shock.

I don’t know what the politically correct term is but I will now call them Kuwaitians…I felt like I was on another planet.

I like the Afghan shalwar kamez WAY better then the full length style the Arabs sport.

Really, 3 different sets of security checks to get on my flight in Kuwait…wow.

When I see couples in which the man is dressed in modern western dress and the woman is covered head to toe, including face, it boggles my mind.

Kids are the best part of any culture. Especially little girls that stick their tongue out at other girls while waiting in 2/3 security lines. Priceless.

I walked into the bathroom stall in the airport and saw a whole in the ground…that wasn’t gonna work. Luckily they offered both toilet variations to meet the needs of all their guests.

Frankfurt needs to get with the program and start pumping that A/C…or someone needs to close the door because it’s letting the humidity in.

Whoever said the newspaper is dead has not traveled in the Frankfurt airport on a Friday morning. I see no less than 10 people reading the newspaper as we wait to board.

I still don’t understand how Germany is only 2.5 hours behind Afghanistan.

Welcome to Europe. Allow me to charge you $15 for a bottle of water and some pineapple, enjoy!

I really, really need to learn another language…any language.

Lufthansa Airlines = A+.

35 minutes until I board my final flight for Stuttgart and end this 72 hours of traveling. So glad there is gonna be a toe-headed girl waiting for me. Maybe she’ll even ask “what is SHE doing here?”

Yes, I just spent 8 euros for 60 min of wireless internet to post this and check my facebook. I’m addicted and it was a requirement because I could. Get over it, you know you love that about me.



About beckybeyondborders

Hi! My name is Becky and I'm a 1st Lt in the US Air Force and getting ready to head to Afghanistan for 9 months with a Provincial Reconstruction Team. This blog is a way that I am going to keep in touch with my friends and family along this great adventure...all thoughts and entries are my own opinion and not those of the US Government or US Air Force.
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6 Responses to Observations of a tired traveler.

  1. Aunt Heather says:

    Oh Beck…have a nice big German beer for your old auntie…hear Hawaii is on the agenda next…talk about culture shock…think you may end up with lots of visitors (myself included). Enjoy your R & R…love you sweetie

  2. Jessica says:

    haha you just made my day 🙂 hope you have arrived safely and are enjoying your birthday present of R&R. i miss you tons girl and am excited for your adventures. i love you!

  3. Nathanael says:

    you mean “Tim Hortons”? better watch out! if a canadian reads that you might be in danger! 😛

  4. Mom says:

    Lol Becky…great observations! I know your going to enjoy your 2 weeks in Germany. Remember to check out a Cuckoo clock for me? 🙂 Love you, Mom XO

  5. Big Daddy says:

    At least I know where you get your sense of humor from….pssst, it’s not your mother. Enjoy Germany and sprechen some Deutsch for me. Just remember, ein bieren mon amie! Love you tons…..Dad

  6. Diane Kraujalis says:

    Becky, have a wonderful time in Germany… enjoy your R & R! God bless you… diane

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